Myrmel Map - Map 7 - North Country Trail Map with BWCA and Arrowhead Region
Maps are made by a backpacker/hiker/canoer/kayaker for like-minded adventurers. Each is hand drawn, hand lettered in “old school” format with real world details. The borders are reflective quotes related to “taking care of this world/environment” as well as each other.
Product Details:
- NCT (North Country Trail) map with the BWCAW and entire Arrowhead Region of MN
- Map is printed on both sides with the east and the west on either side.
- Waterproof functional trail map.
- Over 50 hiking trails, including portions of the following trails: North Country Trail, Superior Hiking Trail, all of the Border Route Trail and all of the Kekekabic Trail.
- The entire BWCAW area including all campsites and long portages marked out
- Quetico Provincial Park’s south side with Ranger Stations and entry locations from Minnesota.
- Nearly all of the Superior National Forest camping and water access locations.
- Dimensions: 25 1/2" x 38 1/2"